Friday, September 13, 2013

Awakening Consciousness: How Transitioning Through Brain Waves Can Promote Creativity and Inspiration

I've been reading a book called Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration by Penny Peirce and have been learning some really interesting things about brain waves and their correlation to your levels of awareness and how learning to transition through these waves can bring you into heightened states of consciousness, awareness, and inspiration.

If you want your brain to function at it's best, if you want to enhance creativity, ideas, and inspired thought-flow, then you'll want to read this! :-) 

1. Beta Waves- The first are Beta waves--associated with high mental activity and engagement, as well as highly charged emotions such as fear, anger, arousal, etc. Beta waves correspond with a very low level of consciousness and are usually associated with very shallow, ego-based thinking.

2. Alpha Waves- Alpha waves occur when the brain is in a more relaxed and tranquil state, such as when you meditate, reflect, daydream, visualize, rest, spend time in nature, and exercise. In this state your brain becomes less worried, more open, and more aware of subtle information and new insights. Your brain is able to recall memories and develop a greater understanding of nature and your "true self," letting your ego die and becoming aware of your soul. When you take the time for self-reflection and your mind turns inward, you move from a state of Beta waves to the deeper alpha and theta waves, especially when you cut out external distractions (like turning off your cell phone, and getting into a quiet space for some alone time).

3. Theta Waves- Theta waves are associated with drowsiness, dreaming, the first stage of sleep, deep meditation, inspired creativity and imagination, and much slower than the two waves previously mentioned. Theta waves can put you in a trance-like state, where you lose track of time like when driving on the freeway or taking a long shower. In this state, free flowing ideas and visions come to mind, you become aware of suppressed ideas stored in your subconscious mind while in this state.

4. Delta Waves- The final waves are Delta brain waves and occur during sleep.

The reason I wanted to share this is because I feel it can be so easy to get caught up with living pedal-to-the-metal, non-stop, always caught up with the tasks of everyday life without taking the time to just relax, clear the mind, pray or meditate, exercise, or spend some time in nature. For your brain's sake, it's a good idea to take some time out for reflection, and peace and quiet without any distractions. You'll feel more creative, more inspired, more at peace, and you will have a healthier brain too! :-) 

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