About the Author

As a former high school peer counselor, youth group leader, and having written the TNT book series as a teen herself, Brigitte Bell is well acquainted with the struggles of teens and young adults. Through her own personal experience and radical transformation by God’s mercy and grace she has become dedicated to help others overcome insecurities, addictions, and achieve optimal health in relationships and in all aspects of life. From teens, to young adults, to parents, TNTLiving can help guide to the most blessed, purposeful, Spirit-led, and joy-filled life possible—a life that is “. . . far beyond what you could even begin to ask, dream of, or imagine...”


  1. Thanks for the shout out Brigitte, and keep up the good work, darlin!
    All love,
    Lauren Frances

    1. Thanks so much Lauren, I love your book and I love your work!
      -Much Love, Brigitte
