Monday, June 18, 2012

Follow Your God-Given Dream

God has given each of us a special dream or vision of what we would like our lives to look like. He's imputed within each of us a purpose to make an impact in this world for the better. Each and every one of us has been hand-crafted, uniquely designed with a specific purpose that only we can fulfill because we were created for it! God may have put a dream in your heart that, to the outside world, may seem completely ridiculous or even impossible. Something I've learned however, is that nothing is impossible for God. If you've let go of your God-given dream because it seems too unatainable, know that the God you serve holds the universe in the palm of His hand. He gave you that dream for a reason! It is attainable! God is more for you than you are for yourself! With Him on your side, nothing is impossible!

Start taking action today towards your God-given dream.  Every large goal starts with one, small and minute action. No matter how large your goal may be, take one step at a time, only looking at the step right in front of you--soon enough you will see your dream come to pass!