Monday, July 28, 2014

The Key To Being Irresistibly Attractive (The Secret Formula for Attaining a Certain “Je Ne Sais Quoi”)

In my last post, I described 4 Detrimental Dating Energies, and 1 Irresistibly magnetic one. The magnetic, attractive energy I described embodied what in French is known as having a certain “Je Ne Sais Quoi.” The phrase literally reads, “I know not what,” but it is meant to convey “a pleasant quality that is hard to describe” or, “something that cannot be adequately expressed.” Hence, when people say that someone has a certain “Je ne sais quoi,” they are expressing that there is just something simply about them that they cannot describe, yet is alluring and appealing, enchanting, and completely captivating. For this post, I’m going to reveal to you the secret formula for attaining this kind of delightful “Je Ne Sais Quoi.” I’ve created a formula for what hours of research and countless books have led me to believe is key to attaining and maintaining this kind of magnetic “Je ne sais quoi.” Are you ready? This could very well change your perspective on life and dating, so listen up! The formula is as follows:

Je Ne Sais Quoi= Joie De Vivre + Aime-toi toi-même

Right now this formula may not make any sense, especially for those of you who do not speak French!  But don’t fret, I’m about to explain exactly what it means! Let’s take a deeper look at the components of having a “Je ne sais Quoi”:

1.       The first secret ingredient to having a “Je ne sais quoi,” attractive, and magnetic personality is learning to have a “Joie de Vivre.” Having a “Joie de Vivre” means having a “Joy of Life.”  In order to accomplish this you must do Everything in Your Power to Feel Good About Being Single and enjoy your life just the way it is. Do what you love. Learn to focus on all that you have instead of what you lack. When you do what you love, you feel happy and content, and your state of being is one of joy, contentment, and utter gratitude for life. Being in this state of mind creates an energy that emits a “joie de vivre”—a joy of life that is so magnetic and irresistible because others want that for themselves too! So to get into this captivating state of being you must:
a)      Do What You Love And Enjoy,
b)      Do What Makes You Feel Good,
c)       Do What Makes You Happy,
d)      Do What Is Productive

You might even want to consider making a list of these things so that any time you’re feeling down, you have a whole list of activities to choose from that will boost your mood and get you back into the “joie de vivre” state of being. To give you some ideas of what you can do to feel really good, I’ll share with you a few things that make me really happy!

You can dance, take a self-improvement class, learn a new skill, take up a new hobby, exercise, make a list of things you’re grateful for, do some yoga, read a book, write, cook, make a cake, learn a new language, travel, explore, treat yourself to a little chocolate or ice cream, go to the beach, spend time in nature, learn an instrument, make music, go for a hike, spend time with friends and loved ones, go laser tagging, bowling, anything to evoke the inner child in you and bring you laughter and joy and get you excited for being alive and all the adventures life has to offer!

1.       The second secret ingredient to having a “Je ne sais Quoi” personality is having an “Aime-toi toi-même,” or, love for yourself.  I cannot emphasize enough the importance of self-love. In order to have this “aime-toi toi-même,” or love for yourself, it is
imperative that you do Everything in Your Power to Feel Good About Yourself.  You do this by taking care of yourself. Meaning, you eat right, you get enough sleep and adequate exercise; you read, learn new things, fill your mind with good thoughts, surround yourself with positive and uplifting people, work on improving yourself so that you can feel productive and have a healthy self-esteem and self-love. These activities can also add to your “joie de vive,” but they are more oriented toward taking care of yourself and showing yourself love. In addition to taking care of yourself on a basic level of eating right and getting adequate sleep and exercise—although doing these things alone is enough to make a radical shift in how you feel about yourself—you take your levels of self-care and self-love to a whole new level by doing things like treating yourself to a massage or spa day, getting a manicure/pedicure, facial, or spend a whole day dedicated to doing activities that will increase the love and appreciation you have for the amazing human being that you are!

I love the way legendary actor Charlie Chaplin described what loving himself meant: 
"As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for
my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew
me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude
a healthy egoism. Today I know it is 'LOVE OF ONESELF.'"

So to quickly re-cap, this is what you need to know for maintaining a magnetizing and captivating “je ne sais quoi” personality:

Formula: Je Ne Sais Quoi= Joie De Vivre + Aime-toi toi-même
1.                  Secret Ingredient #1: “Joie de Vivre”
Translation: “Joy of Life” 
How to Accomplish This: Do Everything in Your Power to Feel Good About Being Single and Enjoy Your Life Just as It is
Tips: Travel, Take up a New Hobby, Spend time with friends and loved ones, read, write, cook, hike, spend time in nature. Do what
A)     You Love and Enjoy
B)      What Makes You Happy
C)      What feels good to you and is in alignment with who you are
D)     What is Productive

2.                  Secret Ingredient #2: Aime-toi toi-même.
Translation: Love yourself.
How to Accomplish This: Do Everything in Your Power to Feel Good About Yourself by taking good care of yourself

Tips: Exercise, Eat Right, Get Enough Sleep, Fill Your Mind with Good Things, Get a Massage, Treat Yourself to a Mani/Pedi

One final thought I'd like to leave you with is a quote I came across right after writing this post that I think perfectly sums up the message I'm trying to convey. It's from Deepak Chopra's amazing book, The Path to Love

"The secret to being attractive, if one consults the past record of human experience, is remarkably simple. It is summarized in an aphorism from the Latin poet Ovid, who said, 'To love, be loveable.' A lovable person is someone who is natural, easy with himself or herself, radiating the simple, unaffected humanity that makes anyone truly attractive."

As always I hope you found this post interesting and insightful for creating your own magnetic "Je Ne Sais Quoi" allure! 
All my love, 

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