When it comes to anything in life, the beliefs you hold to
be true in your mind affect your attitude, which in turn affects the energy or
“vibrations” you give off—and this is especially true when it comes to
dating. When someone is miserable, it’s likely that their way of thinking is
completely sour, and the negative feelings they are give off to those around
them are almost palpable. In contrast, when someone has a positive outlook on
life, you can just sense the joy emitting from their being. You’ve probably
heard people say before “that person has really great/bad vibes.”
Well when it comes to dating, it is no different! There are some very detrimental
“energies” that can ruin the chances of you finding love and cause your dates
to go running for the hills! In contrast, there is the kind of positive energy
that is so irresistibly attractive to the opposite sex, that once you emit it, your
ability to attract will be like bees drawn to a honeycomb. To help you avoid
any of these detrimental dating energies (and to help you get into the right
one), I’d like to introduce to you a few of my “friends” I think we could all learn
from… I’ve characterized these energies in both masculine and feminine versions
to show that they are not discriminant of gender, and that anyone can fall
subject to these detrimental dating energies if we allow them to.
“Desperate Debra.” Desperate
Debra is so eager to find a partner that she reeks of “desperation breath.” She
doesn’t give her partners any room and her smothering ends up pushing them
away. Don’t be a Desperate Debra, it’s not attractive to anyone (except maybe
for Desperate Danny, that is).
“Desperate Danny.” Your date has hardly ended
and Danny has already left you 12 voicemails about how he can’t wait until your
next date. Danny is so eager to be in a relationship that he doesn’t give his
partners any room to breathe and ends up scaring them away. Desperate Danny
isn’t attractive to anyone (except maybe for Desperate Debra).
2. Careless Cara and Too-Cool Carl. Complete opposites of Desperate Danny and Debra, are Careless Cara and Too-Cool Carl. While approaching others from a state of desperation is not attractive, being completely aloof to others is not either. Cara and Carl are so care-less and "cool," the people they date can hardly tell if they are interested enough. And it's not so much that Carl and Cara aren't interested, it's just that they have been hurt in the past from putting their feelings on the table and have decided for themselves that it's easier to "play it cool" and down-play their feelings rather than express what's truly going on. They have their defenses up, and as a result, end up coming across as cold and inaccessible. Instead of being like Careless Cara or Too-Cool Carl, choose to be authentic with others--your life will feel a lot more fulfilling as a result.
2. Careless Cara and Too-Cool Carl. Complete opposites of Desperate Danny and Debra, are Careless Cara and Too-Cool Carl. While approaching others from a state of desperation is not attractive, being completely aloof to others is not either. Cara and Carl are so care-less and "cool," the people they date can hardly tell if they are interested enough. And it's not so much that Carl and Cara aren't interested, it's just that they have been hurt in the past from putting their feelings on the table and have decided for themselves that it's easier to "play it cool" and down-play their feelings rather than express what's truly going on. They have their defenses up, and as a result, end up coming across as cold and inaccessible. Instead of being like Careless Cara or Too-Cool Carl, choose to be authentic with others--your life will feel a lot more fulfilling as a result.
3. “Futurizing Filemina.” Poor Filemina, the hopeless
romantic. Before her dates are even over she’s already planned the wedding and
picked out names for their four future children. Filemina’s dates can sense
this and get frightened by the fact that she’s moving too fast and falling too
soon. Rather than getting to know her dates fully to even discover whether or
not they’d be good partners for her, she’s already planned the honeymoon and is
ready to send out the wedding invitations.
“Futurizing Frank.” Frank is a hopeless romantic,
and while his sweet character is certainly endearing, he can sometimes allow
his romantic idealism to get the best of him. After the first date he’s already planning what he wants to name
their future children. And while the fact that Frank is ready for real
commitment is highly attractive to most women, his overzealousness may scare
many others away.
“Judgemental Janice.” Janice
doesn’t even need to say a word in order for you to know that she’s judging
you. She looks at you from down her nose and her looks say it all: That shirt you’re wearing, what were you
thinking? Those shoes, c’mon, we’re not in the 80’s anymore… and don’t even get
me started on the hair. And the judgment doesn’t just end with the looks;
Janice is also judging your character. Janice can’t see what a wonderful person
the date that is sitting in front of her is because all she can think about is
how they aren’t matching up to the incredibly long checklist of what her
perfect man is supposed to be like. She’s so busy thinking about how her date
doesn’t match up, that she doesn’t even realize her own judgmental attitude is
a serious character flaw that is keeping love at bay. There’s no pleasing a
judgmental Janice, and her dates can sense this and back off very quickly.
“Judgmental Jeff.” Jeff doesn’t even have to
say a word for you to know he’s judging you. That outfit you wore totally
clashes, and you can definitely tell he’s not pleased with your hair by the way
he keeps eyeing you. Jeff makes remarks
that make him come across as quite pretentious. He makes it very uncomfortable
to be around him because it’s evident he’s judging you. Jeff can make even the
most confident girls feel a bit unsettled, and his too-good-for-you disposition
makes his eligible bachelorettes run for the hills.
5. “Self-Conscious Sally” and “Insecure Inez.” Sally
is so self-conscious, all she can do is talk about how her pants are too tight
and her hips are too wide, and how her hair
is not straight enough. Instead of
talking to her dates and getting to know them, she is completely consumed with
herself. Her friend, Insecure Inez is so unsure of herself,
instead of enjoying the date, all she can think about is wondering what her
date is thinking of her. Thoughts about herself consume her. Her date might as
well not even be there, Inez is only focused on herself and all of her
“Self-Conscious Steve” and “Insecure Ivan.” Steve and his
friend Ivan are very insecure. They hardly date, because they are too shy to
ask anyone out, but when they do their lack of confidence and insecurity acts
as a deterrent for their dates. They are not unattractive men, but their lack
of security makes them appear that way. All they can do is worry about how they
look, or about how the date is going, or what their date is thinking about
them, rather than simply enjoying the date and getting to know who they are
Their biggest hindrance is that they are far too insecure.
6. Negative Nina. Negative Nina is a cousin of Self-conscious Sally, but not only does Nina say negative things about her body, but she complains about everything, from what the weather is like to the traffic, or her job. Nina's most detrimental downfall however, is her attitude when it comes to men and dating. Her attitude towards love and life in general is so pessimistic, she doubts she will ever meet a man. Nina speaks Negative words like "All men are jerks and players who only want one thing!" When she does happen to meet someone, she allows her negative thoughts to rule her, slimming the chances of her finding love by saying and thinking things like "He probably just wants to use me! I bet he's just like all the other men I've dated!" It's apparent Nina's attitudes towards love and dating must have been acquired through some emotionally painful and heartbreaking experiences, however, she's allowed these experiences to make her callous, scathed, and resentful towards men. Rather than keeping a youthful, fresh, and optimistic outlook on love and dating, she's allowed life experiences to beat her into the morbid, pessimistic person that she is. Her negativity is like a dark cloud, that immediately scares off eligible suitors, and potentially ends up attracting the wrong men who prey off of insecure and unhappy women.
Negative Nate. Nate always has something negative to say, whether it be about the weather, his job, or the person who cut him off earlier in traffic. Nate would be quite the attractive young bachelor, but as soon as he opens his mouth, his negativity is offsetting and sends his potential partners running for the hills. If Nate ever wants to find a fun-loving, happy-go-lucky, healthy woman, he'll need to kick his negativity to the curb and adopt a more optimistic attitude that attracts women to men like bees on honey.
Their biggest hindrance is that they are far too insecure.
Now that I’ve given you a brief
introduction to my “friends,” I’d like to ask, “What kind of energy are YOU
giving out?”
The energy you give out when you
date is of the utmost importance. I’m sure at one point or another, we’ve all
been a little like Desperate Debra or Danny, Insecure Inez or Ivan, Judgmental
Janice or Jeff, or Futurizing Filemina or Frank. But what matters is
recognition. If we desire success in our relationships, it’s important to ask
ourselves, “What kind of energy am I
giving out?” Hopefully it’s nothing like any of my bad-vibe “friends,”
because there’s only one type of energy that will attract
the man or woman of your dreams, and it is an energy of love, confidence,
self-assurance, joy, and acceptance. Like my friends Sexy Sadie or Striking
1. “Sexy Sadie.” Sadie’s confidence emanates off of her skin. She’s almost
glowing. When she walks into a room, all heads turn. Is it what she’s wearing?
No, it can’t be… Is it how she looks? No, it’s something else… Sadie has a
certain “je nais c’est quoi,” and it comes from her overwhelming sense of
confidence and self-assurance. Sadie knows who she is and she doesn’t have
anything to prove to any man. She takes
care of herself by staying disciplined, getting enough sleep, going to the gym,
and eating right—so she feels good from the inside out—and it shows! Sadie
enjoys life, loves adventure, adores people, and isn’t in dire need to find
someone to make her happy. She is happy. Sadie is positive, optimistic,
outgoing, and fun-loving. Because her thoughts are positive, her way of
thinking translates into all that she does. Her happiness radiates and touches
everyone she meets. Men can’t help but fall for her, her energy is so magnetic
it’s almost impossible to resist.
“Striking Stan” Stan is one irresistible man.
It’s not so that he’s the best looking man there is, but his confidence,
kindness, friendliness, and charm make him one hot tamale. Stan’s sense of
humor makes him so attractive. He laughs at life, and while mature, knows not
to take things so seriously. His kindness and charm—which come from an inner
peace, confidence, and knowing who he is—make him irresistible to nearly every
woman he meets.
Remember that when it comes to dating, it’s all about the
energy you’re giving out. It’s why friends will often tell you that you’ll find
the right one once you’ve stopped looking. That’s because when you’re looking
for someone your energy is very different than when you are not. It’s so
important to be in a state of love for yourself, for life, and for others if
you want to feel confident and happy, and ultimately, attract the same kind of
confident, happy, stable, and kind person. So if you’re not happy being single,
the type of people you’re going to attract will be a reflection of that, and
the people you date will be able to sense any desperate, judgmental, overly
eager, or insecure state of being. The good news is, you can change your
energy, and it doesn’t require rocket science! You can begin making simple
changes in how you treat yourself, and your perspective towards life that will
make all of the difference when it comes to your energy levels of attraction.

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