Saturday, October 27, 2012

Finding Your God-Given Purpose

You were created with a purpose. You have been uniquely and specifically shaped to fulfill a task that only your unique design can accomplish.

Why then does it seem that so many people drift through life not feeling as if it has any meaning? Or they struggle on a day to day basis living pedal to the metal just trying to make it through to the next day?

The answer could possibly be that we have become so preoccupied with what society tells us we should do, that we never have time to fully develop, discover, or unleash our full God-given talents and abilities. I know especially for young adults just exiting high school there is a pressure to immediately delve into being a full-time student or employee—thus never having the time to truly discover what our purpose here in this world is.  It’s as Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

You were created with a purpose. You have been uniquely and
specifically shaped to fulfill a task that only your unique design can

Another problem preventing us from discovering our full-potential could be that we are looking to the wrong source to discover what our purpose is. We tend to look to ourselves, asking questions like, “What do I want to do?" and, "What do I want to be?” There’s nothing wrong with that, but those kinds of questions may not be most beneficial when seeking to find our true purpose and hidden potential. Rather than looking to ourselves, it is best to look to the One who created us to discover the unique and amazing plan He has purposed us for. I like the way Rick Warren phrased it in his #1 New York Times Best Seller, “The Purpose Driven Life,” when he said, “You didn’t create yourself, so there is no way you can tell yourself what you were created for!” In other words, looking within ourselves to discover our purpose is like a pot telling the potter what it was created for. How can the creation tell the Creator what its purpose was intended for?

In the same way, we cannot discover our true potential and purpose by ourselves. The way we discover our purpose here on earth is to simply ask the One who created us! The Bible tells us that, “If you want to know what God wants you to do, [simply] ask him, and he will gladly tell you …” (James 1:5 LB).

To discover our God-given purpose all we have to do is ask! Once you do that, I guarantee you will begin to see your life led in ways like never before. Doors will open, things will be revealed, life will have meaning and purpose, and things in general will make a whole lot more sense! Discovering our purpose (asking God to reveal our purpose to us) is important because it gives our lives meaning unlike anything else in the world. I know for myself, as much as I enjoy hobbies such as playing the piano or exercising, nothing gives me more joy and fulfillment than writing does! I know it’s what my purpose is, and it gives me a feeling unlike any other. For others, they may be purposed to make music, dance, create beautiful pieces of artwork for others to enjoy, or compete in athletics—whatever it may be, we are all uniquely and specifically purposed and designed for something! (Something that will bring both you and those around you absolute joy!) Discovering and reaching towards accomplishing our purpose and unlocking any hidden talents and abilities brings a joy and satisfaction to life like nothing else! So start living on-purpose today! J

“If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask him, and he will gladly tell you.” -James 1:5 (LB)

1 comment:

  1. Excellent insights and advice Brigitte. Thank you!
