Friday, May 8, 2015

Change Your Energy, Change Your Life

I've been learning more and more that life is all about state-management. Everything in your life is a result of your state of being. Therefore managing the state that you're in that you're in is incredibly important. The thoughts we think alter the state of being that we're in. If we think joy-filled thoughts, we will be filled with joy. If we think sad thoughts, we will be filled with sorrow. If your state of being is positive, it will help you attract all that you have and desire to have in your life, and vice versa. Therefore, if we desire great lives it is of the utmost importance that we manage our state of being by taking control of our thoughts. Another thing we can do to manage and positively transform our state of being is to actively seek activities that bring us joy, a sense of productivity, and a healthy self-esteem. For me, this means being disciplined in taking care of myself, spending time with those I love, spending time in nature, reading, writing, and learning new things, going on photo adventures, blogging, and making delicious vegan dishes. Ask yourself "What can I do right now that would bring me more joy?" Or have a list of things you find enjoyable to choose from that you can have at hand so that any time you are feeling negative; you can go out and do one of those things.
Remember that the energy you're holding is the point at which you are attracting all things into your life. In managing your state of being, you transform your life. If you change your energy, you change your life!
Teal Scott said that "Your emotions are an indication of what vibration you are holding, [and] your vibration equals your point of attraction for everything coming into your reality and everything you're convalescing with." And I couldn't agree more. We must be cognizant of the thoughts we think, and the words we speak in order to monitor our emotions and make sure they are in alignment with what we desire in life. I like the way the words of Frank Outlaw sum it up: 

“Watch your thoughts, they become words;
watch your words, they become actions;
watch your actions, they become habits;
watch your habits, they become character;
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

Emotions are energy in motion. The emotions we hold have the ability to create energy that is powerful enough to either positively or negatively alter our lives. Succumbing to negative emotions like boredom, pessimism, disappointment, doubt, discouragement, anger, blame, worry, jealousy, hatred, fear, grief, insecurity, or revenge are all a dangerous trap that can throw us into a downward spiral. Choosing to maintain and emit positive emotions like contentment, gratitude, hopefulness, optimism, expecting positive outcomes, enthusiasm, passion, joy, knowledge, empowerment, and appreciation are all powerful emotions that launch us into new levels of prosperity and enjoyment of life.  Choosing to do whatever is within your power to remain in the states of higher emotions is what will propel you closer to having the life you've always dreamed of!

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