Love is the attraction point of which everything you desire manifests.

While this may sound bizarre to some of you, think of it this way: Suppose you had in mind a dream car, and rather than visualizing yourself one day owning such a car and feeling optimistic and admiration towards a beautiful piece of engineering and design, you bitterly remind yourself that "I could never afford something that nice," or "I would never be able to drive that kind of car." What happens when you dwell in those kinds of negative thoughts? Well, you begin to feel badly. You also begin to believe whatever it is you're telling yourself, and as a result don't even make an effort to attain something that would bring your life joy because you don't believe in the possibility of owning it in the first place! However, what would happen if every time you saw your dream car drive past you, that you would allow yourself to feel the same rush of excitement flow through your body as if it were already yours? You'd start to feel really good about that car, you'd spend each day feeling as if it were more of a reality, you'd begin to take action steps towards purchasing such a car or finding the means to pay for it. And then one day, if you keep that same vision alive, you'd eventually own your dream car! Amazing, right?
Let's try another scenario: Say you really want to meet a special someone. But every night you cry over being alone. (You are furthest from being in a state of love and joy). You complain to your girlfriends about how there are just "no good men out there." You spend your nights at home alone because you seriously doubt you'll meet anyone worthwhile out at a club, bar, or anywhere else. Then, when someone does come along that you find appealing, you see them as your rescuer from all of your misery and loneliness and as a result cling to them with all your might, and ultimately, end up scaring them away. A very different situation would look a little something like this: You're so elated, optimistic, and hopeful for the future that you can't help but smile at everyone you come in contact with. You take care of yourself and as a result feel so full of love for yourself and the world that others are attracted to the kindness, joy, and love you emanate. When you see couples walking and holding hands, you joyfully share in their love, appreciating the beauty of seeing others care for each other, and knowing full-well that it will one day happen to you. Do you see how different these two different mentalities are? And do you see how changing your thoughts and perspective on things has a radical and drastic effect on the quality and outcome of your life?
Changing your thoughts and perspective has a radical and drastic effect on the quality and outcome of your life!
I hope you can see the importance of monitoring your thoughts, which affect your emotions, which translates to action, which is reflected in the quality and outcome of your life! I hope you keep yourself reminded of your internal emotional meter and thought meter and know when to take action to change it for the better so that your life may be better as a result. If you need help, refer to the emotional guidance scale I posted above. Remember that if your thoughts are in a downwards spiral, your life will be reflective of that. If your thoughts are shooting upwards towards the stars, your life has nowhere to go but up! If you can maintain your state to be at the level 1 shown in the photo, that of love, joy, elation, and peace, you will be well on your way to living a life that is inspiring, and completely in alignment with what your heart truly desires!
Wishing you all the best,
“Everything we want,
whatever it may be, is motivated by love. It is [our desire] to experience the
feelings of love in having those things - youth, money, the perfect person,
job, body, or health. To attract the things we love we must transmit love, and
those things will appear immediately.” –The Secret
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