Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Falling Upward--Using Adversity to Your Advantage

What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger? New Studies on the psychological phenomenon known as “Post-Traumatic Growth”  reveal truth behind this age-old maxim. Read this post to discover how you can use your Adversities to Your Advantage.

For years, psychology has promoted the idea that after facing a life-altering adversity or traumatic event, that there are two possible outcomes for the victim: Either you emerge from your problem with normalcy, or you revert backwards and end up worse than you were before, suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

 However, newer research in the realm of positive psychology shows that this is simply not true, and that there is another possible outcome for people who have had their share of adversity: It’s known as “Post-Traumatic Growth,” or as Best-Selling Author and Leading expert in human potential, Sean Achor likes to put it, “Falling upward.”

Study after study has shown that those who experience adversity, suffering, loss, life-threatening illnesses, poverty, war, mistakes, failures, and disappointments have the profound opportunity to use those pains or failures as a catapult or fuel to their success, bringing truth to the old adage, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”
Increase in humility, compassion, inner strength, courage, resilience, spirituality, even happiness, deeper intimacy in relationships, and overall greater life satisfaction are just a few of the positive “side effects” of those who choose to “fall upward,” take the path of “Post-Traumatic GROWTH” and use adversities to their advantage.

In his book, The Happiness Advantage, Achor explains that the key factor in distinguishing whether a person will grow in the midst of adversity, or not is their mindset. It is those who define themselves not by what has happened to them, rather by what they can make out of what has happened to them that determines their outcome of extraordinary success, or failure. As one of my favorite quotes states: “You may not be able to change the winds of adversity, you can however change the direction of your sails.”

Although we may not be able to change what happens to us, we most certainly can choose how we react. Oscar Wilde once said,  “What seems to us like bitter trials are often ‘blessings in disguise.’” When we choose to see every setback as yet another opportunity for growth, or a “blessing in disguise,” we have harnessed the power of “Falling Upward” and open the door for a whole new world of opportunities for success. 

As always, I hope you were encouraged by this post and inspired to use your adversities to your advantage by choosing to “Fall Upward.” Have a wonderful week everyone! xx

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