About a two years ago (yeesh, time flies!), I became enchanted, maybe even a bit
obsessed with the idea of finding my "Soulmate." You know, that man
or woman of your dreams who will fulfill your every need and desire and with
whom life will be forever blissfully perfect as long as you're with them? Well,
sorry to break it to you and burst all of your hopeless romantic's imaginary
love bubble, but there's no such thing. However, there is something EVEN
BETTER. While no one person can satisfy and fulfill our every need, or make us
feel blissfully wonderful 24/7 (that's a lot to ask from an imperfect human), I
do believe there are special people in this world with whom we connect with on
a deeper level than the superficial and feel deep sense of mutual understanding
when we're with them. And while life with this person may not be 100% bliss,
the support, encouragement, like-mindedness, intimacy, sense of community, and
mutual understanding we get from this kind of relationship are by far
worthwhile. Even the not-so-blissful moments of trial and struggle we face with
this person serve their purpose by making us into better individuals and
strengthening the relationship as a whole. (Relationships, I believe, are meant to be a BALANCE of support and challenge--you can read more about that in this post).
Although my quest towards finding my soul-mate has not yet
led me to "the one" for me, I feel more confident now than ever that
I am on the right path towards meeting him, and the invaluable lessons I've
learned along my journey have taken me to a whole new level of openness, love,
understanding, and appreciation for myself and towards others. In addition, the
desire to be the best partner for my future partner by being a happy, healthy,
balanced, stable, and responsible adult have led me to new levels of self-care,
self-love, self-appreciation, and self-improvement.
And it's my desire to share a few of the valuable lessons
that I've learned so that you can benefit from them too! So without further
ado, here are a few of the things you can begin to do to start attracting the
man or woman of your dreams into your life! Happy soul-searching and
soul-mate-searching! :-)
1. Become The Kind Of
Man Or Woman Your Ideal Partner Would Want To Be With.
My life changed the instant I heard Arielle Ford, author of
"Soulmate Secret" pose the question, "If I told you that your
soulmate was coming into your life in 72 hours, what would you want your life
to look like?" In other words, is your life the way it is right now, the
kind that you would want your dream man or woman to see? At that moment I
looked around me and my room was an absolute mess, there was no room for
company to come over, my skin was covered in break outs, I was struggling with
depression, and I hadn't been to the gym in months. I realized my life was
nothing close to what I would want it to look like if my dream partner were to
walk through the door. So I started taking action: I cleaned up living space,
got back into a consistent workout
regime, and switched to a Raw Vegan diet to get my skin cleared up and my body and mind in optimal health. As a result, my self-care was taken to a whole new level, and I realized the importance of loving and taking care of yourself before looking for someone to do that for you. Often times we have a great list of expectations when it comes to what we want in a partner, and there's not necessarily anything wrong with that; the problem occurs when the things we expect from others we don't even do ourselves. One good question to ask ourselves is, "Would I date me?"
We can't expect our partner to be an all-rescuing savior relieving us from our debt, poor self-image, or whatever other issues we may have going on. We must be willing to take a good look in the mirror, see what needs improvement, and work on changing that ourselves. If we want to attract awesomeness into our lives, we must first start by being awesome ourselves. If you want to attract your dream man or woman, begin by asking yourself, "What kind of man or woman would my dream partner be looking for?" And live according to that.
regime, and switched to a Raw Vegan diet to get my skin cleared up and my body and mind in optimal health. As a result, my self-care was taken to a whole new level, and I realized the importance of loving and taking care of yourself before looking for someone to do that for you. Often times we have a great list of expectations when it comes to what we want in a partner, and there's not necessarily anything wrong with that; the problem occurs when the things we expect from others we don't even do ourselves. One good question to ask ourselves is, "Would I date me?"
We can't expect our partner to be an all-rescuing savior relieving us from our debt, poor self-image, or whatever other issues we may have going on. We must be willing to take a good look in the mirror, see what needs improvement, and work on changing that ourselves. If we want to attract awesomeness into our lives, we must first start by being awesome ourselves. If you want to attract your dream man or woman, begin by asking yourself, "What kind of man or woman would my dream partner be looking for?" And live according to that.
2. Love Yourself.
To further explicate my last point, I can't even begin to emphasize how
important it is to have a healthy self-love, self-esteem, and self-worth. When
don't love or care for yourself, you become much more likely to go seeking that love and approval from external sources, which can only end up attracting all kinds of crazy into your life. When you don't love and care for yourself, you are more likely to settle for less than what you truly deserve. Because your sense of worth is dependent upon how someone else feels about you or acts towards you, you become needy, desperate, and attract partners who may treat you poorly because they know how reliant you are upon them for love. Love yourself, take care of yourself, have enough self-respect and self-worth to walk away from relationships that are not healthy for you. Don't settle for less out of loneliness, but enjoy your season of singleness by loving yourself and taking care of you. Do this, and you'll be able to make much more sound decisions based on good judgment and discernment, rather than searching for love out of a lack of it, or because of low-self-esteem or loneliness.
How you feel about yourself will also be reflected in how you carry yourself. If you feel selfconscious, insecure, or confident and happy, your body language and energy you give off will be a reflection of that. A helpful exercise you can do is begin each morning by asking yourself: "How do I feel? (Do I feel fat, tired, overwhelmed, peaceful, confident, content, comfortable in my own skin?)" Hopefully the answer is an enthusiastic, "I FEEL GREAT!" Because if you don't feel really good, your body language and the words you speak will be a reflection of that. If you feel great, you'll attract others who feel great about themselves as well. (Note: If you aren't feeling good about yourself, that should be an indication to you to do what you can to get back into the sweet zone of feeling good! For more tips on how to do so, read this post.)
Please note, that the love you have for yourself SHOULD NOT be upon condition. For example, "I'll love myself when I lose 5 pounds," or, "I love myself when ____ shows me love," or "I'll love myself when I land my dream job." It sounds silly to think that we would ever love ourselves solely on these external, temporal, and changing conditions; but we do it all of the time: basing our self-worth and amount we believe we deserve to be loved on things that are completely irrelevant to who we are. Our love for ourselves should be an appreciation for who we are as people, not based on what we own, what kind of car we drive, what kind of job we have. I love the way Deepak Chopra explains it in his book, The Path to Love, "Ultimately people are good because of who they are; goodness is a quality of being. Once we have made this discovery, we stop measuring people by their achievements. We expect goodness as a part of their essence, and ours. When this happens, we no longer expect a reward for doing good. We no longer bestow love when people are good to us and withdraw it when they are bad. Instead love becomes a constant in our lives. It just is. People who have reached this stage are in true possession of their love stories. They don't judge or live in fear of judgement."
don't love or care for yourself, you become much more likely to go seeking that love and approval from external sources, which can only end up attracting all kinds of crazy into your life. When you don't love and care for yourself, you are more likely to settle for less than what you truly deserve. Because your sense of worth is dependent upon how someone else feels about you or acts towards you, you become needy, desperate, and attract partners who may treat you poorly because they know how reliant you are upon them for love. Love yourself, take care of yourself, have enough self-respect and self-worth to walk away from relationships that are not healthy for you. Don't settle for less out of loneliness, but enjoy your season of singleness by loving yourself and taking care of you. Do this, and you'll be able to make much more sound decisions based on good judgment and discernment, rather than searching for love out of a lack of it, or because of low-self-esteem or loneliness.
How you feel about yourself will also be reflected in how you carry yourself. If you feel selfconscious, insecure, or confident and happy, your body language and energy you give off will be a reflection of that. A helpful exercise you can do is begin each morning by asking yourself: "How do I feel? (Do I feel fat, tired, overwhelmed, peaceful, confident, content, comfortable in my own skin?)" Hopefully the answer is an enthusiastic, "I FEEL GREAT!" Because if you don't feel really good, your body language and the words you speak will be a reflection of that. If you feel great, you'll attract others who feel great about themselves as well. (Note: If you aren't feeling good about yourself, that should be an indication to you to do what you can to get back into the sweet zone of feeling good! For more tips on how to do so, read this post.)
Please note, that the love you have for yourself SHOULD NOT be upon condition. For example, "I'll love myself when I lose 5 pounds," or, "I love myself when ____ shows me love," or "I'll love myself when I land my dream job." It sounds silly to think that we would ever love ourselves solely on these external, temporal, and changing conditions; but we do it all of the time: basing our self-worth and amount we believe we deserve to be loved on things that are completely irrelevant to who we are. Our love for ourselves should be an appreciation for who we are as people, not based on what we own, what kind of car we drive, what kind of job we have. I love the way Deepak Chopra explains it in his book, The Path to Love, "Ultimately people are good because of who they are; goodness is a quality of being. Once we have made this discovery, we stop measuring people by their achievements. We expect goodness as a part of their essence, and ours. When this happens, we no longer expect a reward for doing good. We no longer bestow love when people are good to us and withdraw it when they are bad. Instead love becomes a constant in our lives. It just is. People who have reached this stage are in true possession of their love stories. They don't judge or live in fear of judgement."
3. Know What You Want
And Don't Settle. Just as you can't get anywhere in life if you don't know
where you're going, you can't find what you're searching for if you don't know
what it is you're searching for! It's important to know what it is that you
desire in a partner, but also to keep an open mind. Know what traits you're
willing to negotiate and what characteristics classify as definite
deal-breakers. If you meet someone with an amazing personality or great
character, but you don't like their hair cut or what kind of car they drive,
you have to know what's more important to you. Your dream partner may not look
like what you may expect them to, but once you get to know them you may realize
they are what you've been looking for. Know what you desire, know what you're
willing to compromise on, keep an open mind, and don't settle.
2. Be Yourself. When I say this, I don't mean it in the cliche, "Oh just be yourself and people will like you" type of way. It's much more than that. When you live authentically, you attract the people, the jobs, and the life circumstances that are in real alignment with what your heart truly desires. When you are not authentic with yourself, when you bend over backwards and into a pretzel to accommodate other people, or act out of character in order to gain approval, you only end up attracting people, work, and circumstances which are not in alignment with what you value, are passionate about, or will bring you true happiness. Be yourself and live authentically so that your life and the people that surround you will be a reflection of all that you love, value, and appreciate; and as a result, feel fulfilled, satisfied, understood, and appreciated for who you really are.
4. Stay Positive.
If you've been single for a long time, or have dated and can't seem to find
someone compatible with you, it can be easy to fall into the dangerous trap of
thinking negatively. Thoughts like, "I'm going to be alone forever!"
or, "all men/ women are jerks!" can be easy to succumb to if we don't
keep control over our thoughts. It's so important to stay positive, mentally
and emotionally healthy, and happy! When we keep our thoughts positive, our
energy is also positive, and we attract the kind of people that are also
emotionally stable and happy as well. Men and women can tell when the person
they are dating is miserable, negative, needy, insecure, or too clingy--and
FYI--that kind of energy is simply NOT attractive. It's important to stay
positive and maintain a life-loving attitude in order for you to be giving off
the kind of confident, happy, positive, life-loving energy that is so
irresistibly sexy to the opposite sex. (For a deeper understanding of managing your energy when dating, check out this post.)
5. Keep The Vision
Alive. To help you stay positive and prevent you from settling for less,
it's important to keep the vision of what you desire in the forefront of your
mind. When you think of yourself, do you envision yourself the one that's
always alone and without a partner while everyone else is skipping around you
paired off in twos? Or do you envision yourself in a happy relationship, laughing
with your partner, being playful with them, having fun in a relationship and
being happy with that man or woman of your dreams? How you see yourself is very
important because it will affect your mood, positivity (or lack of it), how you
behave, and ultimately, whether you stay single or not. To help you maintain
the vision of being in a happy relationship, you can visualize yourself in a
happy one just as I described above, or you can enhance your vision by creating
a dream board. To do this, simply cut out images from magazines or print them
out from online that remind you of the love that is coming your way. These
imagines should invoke a sense of joy, happiness, hopefulness, and love when
you look at them. If they don't do that, then don't put them on your board.
They can be pictures of romantic couples, places or things you'd like to do
with your future partner, or photos of what you'd envision your ideal partner
to look like. The bottom line is that looking at these photos should make you
feel GOOD. They should get you excited for the love that is coming your way,
remind you to stay grateful for the present, and keep you excited for wonderful
future that awaits you.
6. Act "As
If" Your Dream Partner Were Are Already In Your Life. Faith is such a
powerful thing. The ancient text of Hebrews defines faith as "being sure
of what we hope for, [and] being convinced of what we do not [yet] see"
(Hebrews 11:1). Having faith is being convinced of something's existence before
it even comes into actuality in the physical realm; and it is a necessity of
manifestation and maintaining a positive attitude. Without faith, we lose hope.
To act in faith, it's important to act "as if" the partner of our
dreams were already in our lives. In Ford’s book, she describes how she would “act
as if” her soul-mate was already in her life by buying cards for him, concert and
event tickets she knew they would go to together. She would even set a place mat
at the dinner table and cook for two to envision her partner as already on his
way, and it wasn’t before long before their paths crossed, they fell in love,
and have been happily married since.
Another way you can act “as if” is by making space for your
future partner. Is your schedule so jam-packed that you don’t have time for a
significant other, let alone time to go out on dates? Is your closet and living
space so full that there is absolutely no room for another person? Start acting
in faith by making room for your partner. Nature abhors a vacuum. Make room for
your partner, and before you know it, it will be filled.
7. Heal Old Wounds. Before
you can be in any kind of serious relationship, it’s important to do your best
in healing wounds, cleaning up and letting go of the past. How can you get a
grasp of all that the future has in store if you’re clenching tightly to what’s
already behind you? Seek advice, get counseling, write in a journal, pray,
meditate, exercise, set goals, spend time with friends and loved ones, get
closure, spend time for yourself, do whatever it is that you need to do in
order to feel whole, happy, healthy, and complete before searching for someone
to complete you and fill any emotional void you may have. Do this, and you’ll be well
on your way to finding not a person who is perfect, but someone who perfectly complements
I hope you found this information useful, and wish you all
the best in your endeavors with love!
All my love, Brigitte