Your emotions are extremely important because they let you know when your thinking is off-balance. In fact, we may think of negative emotions as a bad thing, when in reality they are actually quite useful. When you’re experiencing negative emotions it is an indicator that your thoughts are off-balance, and that it’s time to do something about it.
Think of your emotions as a “Thought
Control” Meter that allows you to recognize when your thinking is
Think of emotions as a thought-control meter: Every time you are feeling badly, it is simply a result of negative thoughts, every time you are feeling good, it is because you are dwelling on the things that are going well in your life. Granted, sometimes it is much easier to think and feel positively when things in our lives actually are going well, as opposed to when they are not (I’ll get to that in a moment). However, circumstances only account for a portion of our happiness. In fact, in Shawn Achor’s Best-selling book, The Happiness Advantage he reveals that research shows that only a small portion of our happiness is based on external circumstances. In fact, research continues to show that it is not so much about what happens to us, but rather our perspective of what happens to us. Achor explains, "What we are finding is that it is not necessarily the reality that shapes us, but [it is] the lens through which our brain views the world that shapes our reality [which then determines our happiness and productivity levels]... 90% of your long term happiness is predicted not by your external world, but by the way your brain processes your external world." In other words, it is your perception which determines your happiness. Jesus once said that, "Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness" (Luke 11:34). Not only was he saying that we need to guard what we allow into our minds, but he was also talking about guarding the way we percieve the world around us. What are eyes used for? For seeing! It is the way in which we see things that determines whether we are filled with "light" and positivity, or "darkness," sorrow, anger, and sadness.
There is a strong correlation
between the quality of your thoughts and how you feel.
The great Greek philosopher, Epictetus confirmed this truth long ago by saying, "We are
disturbed not by what happens to us, but our thoughts about what happens."
It is not so much of what happens
to us that determines our happiness, but our thoughts about what happens to
Your emotions are a result of your focus, and they are also an
indicator when something in your mind (your thoughts) becomes off balance.
Emotions are important because they let us know when are thoughts aren’t right.
If your focus in on this world and all the tragedies and misfortunes that
occur, then of course you're going to feel badly! If your focus is on all the
insurmountable amount of work that you have to do and how it will take forever
to get it done, then you're going to feel stressed! If your focus in on
comparing yourself to others and all that you are lacking, then of course
you're going to struggle with feelings of inadequacy. Are you beginning to see
the correlation with the quality of your thoughts and how you feel? It all
comes down to thoughts. If you guard what thoughts you allow to take root in
your mind you'll be protecting your emotions which then translate into actions.
As Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinks
in his heart, so he becomes.” In
other words, you become what you think
about! It is a simple yet profoundly important truth.
As a man thinks, so he becomes.
You become what you think about!
One of my favorite quotes says, "If you look to the world
you'll get depressed, if you look within you’ll get distressed, but if you look
to God, you'll find rest" (Corrie Ten Boom). When it comes to finding TRUE peace of mind
and heart I've found that it is ultimately only God who can give us peace in
the midst of a chaotic world or life. God’s word tells us: “Let us run with patience the particular race
(of life) that God has set before us. Keeping
your eyes on Jesus, our leader and instructor …” (Hebrews 12:1–2 TLB). The
key is to keep our eyes on Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Focusing on His word and
His promises can greatly help you get centered on what matters and achieve
peace and joy in all circumstances.
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